A Time for…Holidays and Family Visits

April 13, 2022

Holidays are times that bring families together. With Passover and Easter right around the corner, we are eagerly looking forward to being together in person after two years of Zoom celebrations and social distancing!

But family gatherings can sometimes leave adult children with a heavy heart as they board the plane or pack the car for their journey home…especially if Mom or Dad isn’t doing as well as they once were. Unfortunately, we all decline as we age, some of us more drastically than others, and two years of stress and social isolation have certainly taken a toll on many of our loved ones.

It is common for older adults and their families to need some help navigating the aging process. But it is sometimes difficult to know when it’s time to step in and get some additional support, what types of assistance are available and even who to call for guidance.

As you enjoy your family celebration, here are a few things to look for that indicate an older adult may need more assistance:

• Prescription medication bottles in multiple places, with quantities that don’t make sense given the prescribing instructions and the date prescribed
• Stacks of unopened mail
• Very little fresh food in the fridge
• Unanswered messages on the answering machine
• An older adult who:
– Has precarious balance
– Seems excessively tired
– Shows signs of confusion or memory loss
– Hasn’t seen their physician in quite some time

Any of these signs by itself may not be concerning. But if you’re seeing more than one, it might be time to get a little help.

Not sure if it’s time? Give us a call and we’ll help you find out.









Lynn Breuer LMSW, CDP
Senior Director of Community Outreach & Wellness



248.592.1944  eldercaresolutionsofmi.org